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Image Generator Image Generator Enter prompt: Enter seed (digits only): Generate Random Seed (*Any random numbers try 8532135765 or more. No limits) Select aspect ratio: Mobile Portrait (1080x1920) Instagram Square (1024x1024) YouTube Screen (1280x720) Generate Image Download Image

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT with Google Colab: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: In the world of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, ChatGPT has emerged as a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. By combining the capabilities of ChatGPT with the collaborative nature of Google Colab, you can create interactive and engaging experiences. In this blog post, we will walk through a comprehensive tutorial on how to use Python and ChatGPT together in Google Colab. Let's dive in! Setting up Google Colab: Before we embark on our journey of integrating ChatGPT with Google Colab, let's ensure we have a solid foundation. Follow these steps to get started: Go to and create a new notebook. Choose a Python runtime environment for your notebook. Installing the Required Libraries: To utilize ChatGPT, we need to install the necessary libraries. Execute the following code snippets in separate code cells: ! pip install openai ! pip install transformers Importing Libraries a

Free AI Generator Online (No need to login, No need to pay, No need to install anything): Unveiling the Unlikely Journey of AI

Free Anime AI Art Generator Online Free AI Generator Online (No need to login, No need to pay, No need to install anything): Unveiling the Unlikely Journey of AI Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undergone an unexpected transformation, deviating from the dystopian fears inspired by movies like Terminator . In a twist of fate, AI has become a catalyst for artistic expression and creative revolutions. This blog post explores how AI has taken an unconventional path, its impact on various industries, and introduces the Free AI Generator Online . Discover how this innovative tool, along with other AI-powered platforms, generates prompts to inspire your creativity, all without the need for login,

The Python libraries that I need to learn for competitive programming

There are atleast 32 Python Libraries You need to learn to become a full fledged programmer are as follows. Python Libraries Stands for for Machine Learning (ML) Types Used for Apriori ✔️ ML Algorithm Mining frequent itemsets and devising association rules from a transactional database. BeautifulSoup Data Mining/Scraping Scraping data from web Bokeh ✔️ ML Library Creating interactive visualizations for modern web browsers Caffe Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding ✔️ ML Framework Academic research projects Core Python Python Library Includes all the core fucntionalities of python DTs Decision Trees ✔️ ML Algorithm Classification and regression Eli5 ✔️ ML Framework Inspect ML classifiers and explain their predictions Hierarchical Clustering ✔️ ML Algorithm Method to analyze social network data Keras ✔️ ML Framework Creating deep models which can be productized on smartphones & distributed training of deep learning models. Used by companies such as Netflix K-Me

Encoding and Decoding Base64 Strings in Python | Simple Formula

First Import Base64 >>> import base64 Encoding in Base64 >>> string = "test" >>> >>> base64_string = base64 . b64encode(f '{string}' . encode( "ascii" )) . decode( "ascii" ) >>> base64_string 'dGVzdA==' Decoding in Base64 >>> base64_decoded = base64 . b64decode(f '{base64_string}' . encode( "ascii" )) . decode( 'ascii' ) >>> base64_decoded 'test'

Get Mouse Position in Real Time using Python | Mouse Position Application

While using pyautogui module I always come across the same problem that is getting the X & Y mouse coordinates for pyautogui.moveTo(X,Y) which is not accurate or correct. I seem to struggle getting the correct mouse position every time I use pyautogui module Well as the title suggest what this post is about so ya I made myself a simple application in python which will give me coordinates in real time and I can re-use this applicaiton again and again and again with ease. This is the final result. Hope it helps some one out there. Mouse Position Application Code # Import the required libraries from tkinter import * import pyautogui root = Tk() root . title( "Mouse Position Application in Real Time" ) # Getting Your Screen Size ws = root . winfo_screenwidth() hs = root . winfo_screenheight() print (ws,hs) def mouse_position (event): x, y = pyautogui . position() m = ( "X: " + str (x) + ' \n ' + "Y: " + str (y))

Emoji Mosaic & Ascii Art for NFT with Python | Google Colab Project

This is another project which I have created in Google Colab and you can create NFTs Adding Emojies to any Image using Python. But First, We are going to make Ascii Art using Python. The Code will then convert the ascii output into Image. Which Can be used as another type of NFTs. First we will clone my git to colab, to use it later. #Get Emoji Library from Git ! git clone "" Download Image. I am using Mona Lisa image from wikipedia image souce, which will automatically rename it as Mona.jpg #Download the Image ! wget "" - O "Mona.jpg" Convert Image to Ascii Art # Image to Ascii Art import string import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image % matplotlib inl


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