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How to Create Python Server (Simple Steps) | Run Web Story using Python Server | Create local HTTP Python server

Q. What is Python Server?

Ans. Python is a programming language which creates a Server using python script making your computer as webhost to host HTML files just like other webhosts or ftp clients.

Python will access your given folder as a web directory to access and run HTML, JavaScript & CSS files.

Q. So, How does it work?

Ans. Steps for follow:-

1. Create a folder name it PUBLIC. (You can name whatever you like)
2. Create a file and name it as
3. Copy the Code given below in the and save it inside PUBLIC folder.
4. Create a html file name it index.html
5. Edit index.html and copy paste this html code <html>hello world</html>
6. Save it & Run the Python Script and minimize it.
7. Open your browser Chrome | Mozilla and type this url
9. You will see your index.html is working correctly.

- 8000 is your port number as mentioned in the python script
- Add your own html code and see how it works.
- It will only Run - HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS
- It will not run - PHP

Very handy while making Web Stories  

import webbrowser

# Checking Python Version Compatibility 
     # If Python 2.7+v installed Run this
     import SimpleHTTPServer as svr
     import SocketServer as soc
     # If Python 3.0+v installed Run this
     import http.server as svr
     import socketserver as soc

PORT = 8000

Handler = svr.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

http_public = soc.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)

print ("serving at port \t > \t", PORT)
print ("Open Browser and Run \t > \t")
# this will open your index.html page.
# Refresh browser if showing [try again]'') 


# To Run in command line:
# for Python 2.7
# python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

# for Python 3.7
# python -m http.server 8000


# Your URL type
# Html should be index.html or index.htm
# Else you will see only list of files in that folder.

*First Download Web Story Sample from here 


*Extract the contents of the zip file in a folder and name the folder "PUBLIC"

*Copy the Python Script in the same folder and name it and RUN

*View the Effect by clicking on the html pages.



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