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Animate QR Code GIF with Python

Animate QR Code GIF with Python

I will show you have can convert any GIF image

Into an Animated QR Code GIF image using Python just like this

You can also check out the source

Check out the video demonstrating the process

#python4fun #qrcode #python

#pip install MyQR

from MyQR import myqr
import os
version, level, qr_name =
  # Add string or a URL (add http(s):// before it)
  words="<YOUR TEXT OR URL>",     

  # Set the highest fault tolerance rate

  # Control the error correction level,
  # the range is L, M, Q, H, increasing from left to right

  # Combining QR code + Image
  #Add file name eg. your_image.gif
  picture="<YOUR IMAGE>.gif", 

  # Color QR code            

  # Set contrast of the image,
  # 1.0 - original picture / default,
  # small value - low contrast,
  # large value - high contrast.        

  # Set brightness of the image,
  # adjustment values ​​same as above        

  # Save the file name, the format can be jpg, png, bmp, gif      

  #Control location      

Reading generated GIF QR Code with Python

#Filename:- Decoding - Reading QR
#pip install Pillow
#pip install pyzbar

from PIL import Image
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode

# <QR Code Image> - image.jpg, image.png, image.gif
result = decode('final.gif'))



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